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Forest of Steles

Release time:2021-08-09    |    Number of views:
Forest of Steles, one of the first national key cultural relics protection units (No. 1 stone carving), national First-class museum, National AAAAA level tourist attraction, and one of the 18 special tourist landscapes in China, is the cultural and art treasure house of the Han Nationality with the earliest collection of ancient Chinese Steles and the largest collection of famous Steles. Located at no.15 sanxue Street, Beilin District, Xi 'an City, Shaanxi Province.

The source of the forest of steles can be traced back to the "Shitai Xiaojing" and "Kaicheng Shijing", which were established in the Imperial College of Wuben Square, Chang 'an, the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty. The forest was formally founded by Lu Dazhong (a native of Lantian, Shaanxi province), a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. It was first built in the second year of Yuan You (1087) in the Northern Song Dynasty, and gradually expanded through collection of steles in the later dynasties. It has more than 11,000 cultural relics, including 19 kinds (groups) of national treasure level cultural relics, 134 pieces and 535 pieces of first-grade cultural relics. Four of the famous "Six Steeds of Zhaoling" are hidden in the forest of steles.

Xi 'an Forest of steles is not only a concentration of ancient Chinese cultural books and engraved stones, but also a place where the famous calligraphic art treasures of the past dynasties are gathered. It has great historical and artistic value. On March 4, 1961, the Forest of Steles was listed by The State Council as one of the first national key cultural relics protection sites. In November 2020, the Forest of Steles was awarded the title of national Key protection unit for ancient books.

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