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Shaanxi History Museum

Release time:2021-08-09    |    Number of views:
Shaanxi History Museum, China's first large-scale modern national museum, the first "AAAA" level tourist attractions, known as "ancient capital pearl, treasure house of China". Located at No. 91 Xiaozhai East Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an city, Shaanxi Province, northwest of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. There are 1,71795 cultural relics (groups) in the collection, among which 762 are first-class cultural relics (groups) and 18 are national treasure cultural relics (groups). Among them, two are among the first batch of cultural relics forbidden to be exhibited abroad, ranking among the top of Chinese museums.

The appearance of the building of Shaanxi History Museum highlights the elegant appearance of the Tang Dynasty. Chang 'an has been the imperial capital since ancient times. Thirteen feudal dynasties, such as Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang, established their capitals here successively.

Shaanxi History Museum, formerly known as Shaanxi History Museum, was established in June 1944, the 33rd year of the Republic of China. In June 1955, it was renamed as Shaanxi Provincial Museum. In 1983, according to the instructions of Premier Zhou Enlai, the construction of a new building began in the present site, the summer of 1986, June 20, 1991 was officially completed and opened, and named the current name. The museum covers an area of 65,000 square meters. The building area is 55,600 square meters, the cultural relics reservoir area is 8,000 square meters, and the exhibition hall is 11,000 square meters. The artifacts in the collection span more than a million years, from simple stone tools used in the early stages of human life to various objects of social life before 1840. Cultural relics are not only abundant in quantity and variety, but also of high grade and wide value. It was awarded the Architectural Creation Prize by the Architectural Society of China and recognized as a world-class museum by UNESCO.

In 2008, Shaanxi History Museum was rated as a national first-class museum, and in 2009, it was designated as a national key museum jointly built by the central and local governments. In 2016, Shaanxi History Museum was selected as "China's 20th Century Architectural Heritage" by the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics and the Architectural Society of China. In December 2017, it was selected into the first batch of national primary and secondary school students' research and practice education base list by the Ministry of Education.
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13 / F, block B, Jiahe center, Cuihua South Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
