习近平在哈萨克斯坦媒体发表署名文章 |
发布时间:2024-07-02 | 浏览次数: |
7月2日,在赴阿斯塔纳对哈萨克斯坦进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在《哈萨克斯坦真理报》、哈萨克国际通讯社发表题为《同心笃行 续写中哈关系新篇章》的署名文章。文章全文如下: 同心笃行 续写中哈关系新篇章 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 Staying True to Our Shared Commitment and Opening a New Chapter in China-Kazakhstan Relations Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China 仲夏之月,万物正盛。在这个生机盎然的美好时节,应托卡耶夫总统邀请,我即将对哈萨克斯坦进行国事访问并出席上海合作组织峰会。这是我担任中华人民共和国主席以来第五次到访这片充满魅力的土地。哈萨克斯坦灿烂独特的文化、辽阔壮美的风光、淳朴好客的人民给我留下深刻印象。我期待通过这次访问,亲身感受哈萨克斯坦的新发展新变化,同托卡耶夫总统共商两国合作大计,携手擘画中哈关系和上海合作组织发展新蓝图。 All beings are flourishing in the height of summer. I will soon pay a state visit to Kazakhstan and attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in this vibrant season at the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. This will be my fifth visit to your country as the President of the People's Republic of China. Kazakhstan's enchanting land, its splendid and distinctive culture, its vast and magnificent landscape, and its nice and friendly people have been most impressive. The visit offers me an opportunity to experience first hand the new progress and new changes that have been made in Kazakhstan. I look forward to meeting with President Tokayev to plan the way forward for closer China-Kazakhstan cooperation and draw a new blueprint for further growth of China-Kazakhstan relations and the SCO. 2000多年前,张骞持节出使西域,叩开了中国同中亚友好交往的大门。古丝绸之路推动了我们两个伟大民族的友好交往和交流互鉴。80多年前,中哈两位音乐家冼星海和拜卡达莫夫在阿拉木图相识相知,结下了跨越国界的兄弟情谊。32年前,中国成为最早承认哈萨克斯坦独立的国家之一,两国关系重新扬帆起航。中哈友好交往史充分证明,两国关系发展符合历史大势,顺应时代潮流。 Over 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian, a royal emissary from China led a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, opening the door to friendship and exchanges between China and Central Asia. The ancient Silk Road, of which Zhang was a pioneer, contributed to the friendly exchanges and mutual learning between our two great nations. Over 80 years ago, Chinese musician Xian Xinghai and Kazahk composer Bakhtzhan Baikadamov met and came to know each other in Almaty. They soon became bosom friends and devoted brothers despite their different nationalities. Thirty-two years ago, China was among the first countries to recognize Kazakhstan's independence. China-Kazakhstan relations have since embarked on a new journey. The history of China-Kazakhstan friendly exchanges is a strong testament to the fact that the development of our bilateral relationship conforms to the trend of history and that of our times. 11年前,我在哈萨克斯坦首次提出“丝绸之路经济带”倡议,得到哈萨克斯坦社会各界积极回应。两国共建“一带一路”的宏伟画卷就此展开,中哈关系发展进入新阶段。 It was in Kazakhstan eleven years ago that I first proposed the initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt, which was warmly received by people from different sectors in Kazakhstan. This marked a magnificent chapter in Belt and Road cooperation between our two countries. And the development of China-Kazakhstan relations have since entered a new stage. 我们相互支持、同舟共济,开辟了政治互信新高度。中哈关系实现了从全面战略伙伴到永久全面战略伙伴的跃升,并达成了构建世代友好、高度互信、休戚与共的中哈命运共同体的愿景。双方在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上始终坚定相互支持,始终尊重彼此根据本国国情自主选择的发展道路。在面临洪水、疫情等灾难时互伸援手、鼎力相助,始终做彼此可以信赖、倚靠的坚强后盾。这种坚不可摧的信任和支持弥足珍贵,成为中哈合作最大的政治保障。 Our two countries have always supported each other and have always been partners in times of challenge. Our mutual political trust has reached a new level. The China-Kazakhstan relationship has made a leap from a comprehensive strategic partnership to a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership. The two countries have agreed on the vision of building a China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future defined by lasting friendship, a high degree of mutual trust and sharing weal and woe. We have rendered each other firm support on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. We respect the development path that each has chosen according to our respective national conditions. We have always been trustworthy and reliable partners and would invariably extend a helping hand and do our utmost to support each other when we were hit by disasters like floods and pandemics. Such unbreakable mutual trust and support are invaluable, forming the strongest political cornerstone that underpins our bilateral cooperation. 我们互利共赢、协同发展,创造了务实合作新佳绩。去年,中哈双边贸易额达到创纪录的410亿美元。中国成为哈萨克斯坦第一大贸易伙伴国、第一大出口目的地国。札纳塔斯风电站、图尔古孙水电站、奇姆肯特炼厂现代化改造等重大战略项目顺利建成投产,中哈原油管道、天然气管道安全稳定运营,农产品快速通关“绿色通道”实现全覆盖,越来越多的哈萨克斯坦优质绿色农产品走进中国千家万户。两国新能源、交通基础设施等领域合作潜力不断释放,西安陆港码头落成启用,“双西公路”、中欧班列畅通无阻,为两国发展注入强劲动能。 Our two countries have always pursued mutual benefit, win-win and coordinated development, achieving new success in results-oriented cooperation. Last year, our two-way trade registered a record high of US$41 billion. China is now Kazakhstan's largest trading partner and its top export destination. Major strategic projects including the Zhanatas wind farm, Turgusun hydropower station, and the modernization of Shymkent Oil Refinery have been completed and commissioned. China-Kazakhstan crude oil and natural gas pipelines are operating in a safe and stable manner. The "green lanes" for fast customs clearance of agricultural products are available at all border ports between the two countries, which makes green agri-products of high quality from Kazakhstan easily accessible for Chinese consumers. The potential for cooperation in new energy and transportation infrastructure has been unleashed. The transport and logistics terminal in Xi'an, the Western Europe-Western China Highway, and the China-Europe Railway Express all operate smoothly, providing a strong boost to the development of both China and Kazakhstan. 我们互帮互助、互学互鉴,掀起了人文交流新高潮。中哈成功签署互设文化中心协议,首次合拍电影《音乐家》。中国高校在哈萨克斯坦分校、鲁班工坊、中国传统医学中心等人文合作项目从无到有、从有到优。互免签证让两国民众实现像走亲戚一样常来常往,去年两国人员往来近60万人次,今年前3个月已经超过20万人次,有望再创新高。地方合作蓬勃发展,友好省州市增至26对。广受中国患者尊敬和爱戴的眼科专家卡培拉别科夫、有着“熊猫侠”美誉的献血志愿者鲁斯兰、火遍大江南北的哈萨克斯坦歌手迪玛希等,成为新时代中哈友好的使者。 Our two countries have always helped and learned from each other and witnessed a new upsurge in people-to-people and cultural exchanges. A China-Kazakhstan agreement on mutual establishment of cultural centers has been signed. Chinese and Kazakh filmmakers have co-produced a film entitled "The Composer," which is their first co-production. Our bilateral programs for cultural cooperation, including a Chinese university campus in Kazakhstan, a Luban Workshop, and a center of traditional Chinese medicine, have been fully implemented. These institutions are now up and running. Thanks to our mutual visa-exemption arrangements, our people can visit each other as frequently as relatives do. Last year, a total of 600,000 cross-border trips were recorded. In the first quarter of this year, the number of visits in both directions amounted to 200,000 and are expected to reach a new high. Subnational cooperation is also booming, with the number of sister cities increasing to 26 pairs. The much respected and lauded ophthalmologist Dr. Saulebek Kabibekov, the "panda-man" Ruslan Tulenov, who voluntarily donated his rare type of blood in China, and the immensely popular singer Dimash Kudaibergen have become China-Kazakhstan friendship envoys in the new era. 我们团结协作、共迎挑战,取得了国际协作新实效。中哈在国际和地区事务上立场相近,都主张践行共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,都致力于做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。我们共同创建了中国-中亚机制,在联合国、上海合作组织、亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议等多边组织框架内密切协调和配合,积极支持彼此提出的建设性国际合作倡议,坚决捍卫两国共同的战略、安全、发展利益。 Our two countries have always worked together in response to various challenges, and our coordination and collaboration at the international level has achieved new and tangible results. China and Kazakhstan hold similar positions on international and regional affairs. Both countries champion the vision of common, comprehensive cooperative and sustainable security. And both are committed to acting as a world peace builder, a global development contributor, and an international order defender. We have jointly created a China-Central Asia cooperation mechanism, and maintained close coordination and collaboration in the United Nations, the SCO, and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, among other multilateral organizations. We have actively supported each other's constructive proposals for international cooperation, and taken resolute measures to safeguard our shared strategic, security, and development interests. 展望未来,中哈合作大有可为,且必将大有作为。我希望通过这次访问,同托卡耶夫总统一道,赓续传统友谊,深化全方位合作,就中哈关系未来作出新部署新规划,推动中哈永久全面战略伙伴关系不断迈上新台阶。 China and Kazakhstan can and will accomplish a great deal in bilateral cooperation in the years to come. I hope my visit will help renew our traditional friendship and deepen the all-round cooperation between our countries. During my visit, President Tokayev and I will meet and plan the way forward for further growth of China-Kazakhstan relations and discuss how best to take the China-Kazakhstan permanent comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights. 一是巩固相互支持的政治传统。“与朋友交,言而有信。”中方将继续同哈方以诚相待、以信相交,持续巩固政治互信,加强战略沟通,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上坚定相互支持。中方将一如既往支持哈方维护国家独立、主权、领土完整,支持哈方走符合本国国情的发展道路,支持哈方着眼国家发展繁荣采取的各项内外政策,反对任何外部势力干涉哈萨克斯坦内政。我们要传承好、发扬好相互尊重、睦邻友好、同舟共济、互利共赢这4个合作法宝,推动中哈关系行稳致远。 First, our two countries need to further consolidate our political tradition of mutual support. As a Chinese saying goes, "We must be people of our word in dealing with friends." China will continue to treat our Kazakh friends with sincerity and engage them with trust. China will work with Kazakhstan to further consolidate mutual political trust, strengthen strategic communication, and firmly support each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. As always, China will support Kazakhstan in upholding its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, in continuing on the development path suited to its national conditions, in implementing domestic and foreign policies in the interest of its development and prosperity, and in opposing interference in its internal affairs by any external forces. Our two countries need to always follow the four principles that hold key to the success of our cooperation, namely, mutual respect, good neighborly friendship, solidarity in trying times, and mutual benefit, so as to ensure sustained and steady growth of China-Kazakhstan relations. 二是用好互利共赢的合作法宝。中哈资源禀赋各不相同,经济产业各具特色,互补优势明显,合作潜力巨大。中方愿加快推进共建“一带一路”倡议同“公正的哈萨克斯坦”经济政策深度对接,进一步向哈方开放中国超大规模市场,共享中国发展机遇。我们要深化经贸、产能、投资、能源矿产、农业等传统领域合作,提升口岸通关效率,推进中欧班列高质量运行和跨里海国际运输走廊建设,完善立体多元高效的互联互通格局。充分挖掘新能源、数字经济、人工智能、跨境电商、航空航天等高技术领域合作潜力,打造高附加值产业链供应链,为两国合作增添更多新动能。 Second, our two countries need to stay committed to the golden rule of mutual benefit and win-win in our cooperation. China and Kazakhstan have different yet complementary resource endowments and industries. This offers huge potential for cooperation. China stands ready to promote greater synergy between Belt and Road cooperation and the economic policies under a Just Kazakhstan at a faster pace, and further open our super-sized market to Kazakhstan so that our Kazakh friends can share the opportunities of our development. Our two countries need to deepen cooperation in traditional sectors including business, trade, industrial capacity, investment, energy, mining and agriculture, and enhance the efficiency of customs clearance at border ports. We need to ensure the high-quality operation of the China-Europe Railway Express, advance the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, and make the network connecting our two countries more multidimensional, diverse and efficient. We need to significantly unleash the potential for cooperation in such high-tech areas as new energy, the digital economy, artificial intelligence, cross-border e-commerce, aviation and aerospace, and build more industrial and supply chains with high added-values, in order to inject new impetus to our cooperation. 三是夯实世代友好的民意基础。深化中哈友好是两国民心所向、民意所盼。我们要传承好这份友好情谊,开展丰富多彩的人文交流活动,进一步促进两国人民相知相亲。共同办好鲁班工坊、孔子学院、西北工业大学哈萨克斯坦分校,培养更多中哈友好事业接班人。欢迎两国高校、智库、科研机构开展联合办学、合作科研,支持两国社会各界增进交流,鼓励两国更多地方省州市结好,不断深化教育、旅游、考古、艺术、媒体等领域合作,拓展人文交流的深度和广度。 Third, our two countries need to strengthen public support for an everlasting China-Kazakhstan friendship. A deeper and stronger China-Kazakhstan friendship is what our two peoples aspire to. It is therefore important that we carry forward such friendship and enhance mutual understanding and affinity between our peoples through a diverse range of cultural and people-to-people exchange programs. Our two countries need to ensure the success of the Luban Workshop, Confucius Institutes, and the Kazakh campus of the Northwestern Polytechnical University to foster future generations who will carry forward the China-Kazakhstan friendship. China welcomes joint education programs and joint research projects between Chinese and Kazakh higher education institutions, think tanks and research institutes. China supports closer interactions between people from all sectors across Chinese and Kazakh societies. Both countries need to encourage more twinning between our provinces and cities and more cooperation on education, tourism, archaeology, arts, and media, so as to expand the depth and scope of China-Kazakhstan cultural and people-to-people exchanges. 四是因应加速演进的百年变局。世界局势变乱交织,中哈全方位互利合作既面临新威胁新挑战,也迎来新机遇新空间。中国人讲,危与机总是相辅相生,危中有机,危可转机。中方愿同哈方携手应对世界之变、时代之变、历史之变,在危机中育新机,于变局中开新局,坚决捍卫以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序,践行真正的多边主义,反对霸权主义、强权政治、阵营对抗,推进平等有序的世界多极化和普惠包容的经济全球化,为维护世界和平稳定注入更多正能量和稳定性,作出更多中哈贡献。 Fourth, our two countries need to be responsive to the accelerated changes on a scale unseen in a century that are unfolding across the world. Changes and turbulence in the global landscape pose new threats and new challenges, but also bring new opportunities and create new possibilities for all-round cooperation of mutual benefit between China and Kazakhstan. We Chinese believe that in every challenge lies an opportunity, and that challenges and opportunities are interchangeable. China stands ready to join hands with Kazakhstan in response to the changes of historic significance that are taking place in our world and in our times. We need to foster new opportunities amid crises, and open up new horizons on a shifting landscape. China will work with Kazakhstan to uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order underpinned by international law, act on true multilateralism, oppose hegemonism, power politics and bloc confrontation. We will work together to build an equal and orderly multipolar world, promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and bring about more positivity and certainty to world peace and stability. 我这次在哈萨克斯坦的另一项重要日程是出席上海合作组织峰会。哈萨克斯坦担任上海合作组织轮值主席国以来,做了大量卓有成效的工作,扩大了该组织影响力,中方对此高度评价。相信在各方共同努力下,阿斯塔纳峰会一定会取得圆满成功,进一步凝聚上海合作组织大家庭,开辟组织合作新局面。 Another important item on my agenda in Kazakhstan is to attend the SCO Summit. China highly commends the successful and fruitful work Kazakhstan has done in its capacity as the SCO chair to grow the influence of the organization. I have no doubt that the SCO Astana Summit will be a great success through concerted efforts of all parties and will help rally the SCO family closer and open up new prospects for SCO cooperation. 中国古语道,“上下同欲者胜,同舟共济者赢”。哈萨克民族讲,“五指成拳,万众一心”。中方愿同哈方在实现国家繁荣振兴的征程上携手努力、并肩前行,绘就两国合作新蓝图,续写中哈友好新篇章。 As a Chinese saying goes, "Success comes to those who share in one purpose. Triumph belongs to those who pull together in times of challenge." In Kazakhstan, people say that five fingers held together make a powerful fist, and many people working in unity form a mighty force. China will work shoulder to shoulder with Kazakhstan on the path to national prosperity and rejuvenation. Let us jointly draw up a new blueprint for closer cooperation and open a new chapter in China-Kazakhstan friendly relations. 本网站所转载的所有文章版权归原作者所有,内容仅供学习参考之用,不作商用,部分图片源于网络。若在转发过程中涉及到版权问题,请及时与我们联系,我们将尽快妥善处理。 All articles reproduced on this website are copyrighted by the original author, and the contents are for study and reference only, not for commercial use, and some of the pictures are originated from the Internet. If in the process of forwarding involved in copyright issues, please contact us in a timely manner, we will be dealt with appropriately as soon as possible. |
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