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Shaanxi Service Platform for Foreigners | The "Two Permits Joint Handling&q

Release time:2021-08-30    |    Number of views:

The Beijing Overseas Scholars Center learned that Beijing is actively promoting the "two certificates" for foreigners' work permits and residence permits. On the basis of the "two certificates" for high-level foreign talents, the "two certificates" for other foreign professionals The business of "Joint Office" will also be gradually carried out in each accepting agency.

In order to implement the requirements of the "two districts" construction talent field full-link reform special meeting, build the "Beijing Service" brand, accelerate the construction of a one-stop service center for international talents, and further improve the service level of foreign talents, the Beijing Overseas Scholars Center and the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau The Exit-Entry Administration Bureau jointly promotes the "two permits" for work permits and residence permits for foreigners to come to China. At present, related work has been fully rolled out.

The Beijing Municipal Economic and Technological Development Zone International Human Resources Service Office, the first acceptance agency for the "Two Certificates Joint Office" in Beijing, officially opened on October 22, 2020. Subsequently, the Beijing Municipal Service Center, Beijing CBD International Talent One-stop Service Center, Electronic City·IT Industrial Park International Talent One-stop Service Center, Tongzhou District Human Resources Industrial Park, and Fengtai District Government Service Center 5 acceptance agencies were also established one after another. And enable. Through the "two-licence joint application", the original processing time limit of 17 working days for working permits and residence permits was reduced to 7 working days, and the number of on-site applications was also reduced by half. Recently, it is organizing to promote the establishment of the service window of the “Two Certificates Joint Office” in the city’s “Three Cities and One District” and the Free Trade Pilot Zone, and the acceptance agencies in other districts are also actively preparing.

Previously, Beijing’s “two-licensing” business only accepted applications for foreign high-level talents. Up to now, it has accepted and issued more than 100 foreign high-level talents with work permits and work residence permits. In the future, the scope of personnel will be expanded from foreign high-level talents to other foreign professionals, and the population covered will increase from 14% of the total number of foreign talents working in Beijing to 98%.

At present, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone International Talent Service Department, Beijing CBD International Talent One-Stop Service Center, Tongzhou District Human Resources Industrial Park have also carried out the "two certificates joint operation" business for foreign high-level talents and other foreign professionals. . In the next step, the "two-certificate joint operation" business for other foreign professionals will be gradually carried out in each acceptance agency.

In recent years, the Beijing Overseas Scholars Center has been committed to providing better and more convenient services for foreign talents coming to Beijing to work, starting from "reduction of time limit, reduction of materials, reduction of links" and other parties, the entire process of processing time limit for foreign high-level talents to work in China From 30 working days to the shortest 11 working days, the notification of foreigners' permission to come to China was reduced from 15 necessary materials to 5, and the final reduction of materials reached 67%. At the same time, it launched a series of service measures such as "green channel", "dual exemption service", "full online", "no-face approval" and other service measures, which were highly praised by foreign talents.

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