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Shaanxi Service Platform for Foreigners | New rules on applying for a health cod

Release time:2021-08-20    |    Number of views:

The third wave of the epidemic has recently broken out in many parts of the world. The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia once again reminds all Chinese compatriots in Malaysia to consider carefully the risk of infection when travelling during the epidemic and to remember "to not go out unless it is necessary and do not travel unless it is an emergency". In order to protect the health and lives of Chinese and foreign passengers, and in accordance with the latest epidemic prevention regulations in China, starting from Friday, 13 August 2021, passengers who need to travel to China are advised to apply for a health code in accordance with the following updated requirements.

1. Strict isolation - all personnel travelling to China please self-isolate for at least 21 days prior to boarding and sign a Health Protection Pledge in person.

If you are a member of a Chinese company, a worker in Malaysia or a temporary visitor to Malaysia, the Health Protection Pledge (Corporate version) must also be signed and stamped by the person in charge of the company in Malaysia.

If you are an international student, the Health Protection Pledge (international student version) must also be signed and stamped by your school director.

2. Strict and Truthful testing

i. Complete one nucleic acid test and one serum antibody test in person at each of the two institutions designated by the Embassy or Consulate. Present your passport and other valid international travel documents at the time of testing and co-operate with the testing facilities for identity checks and related tests. Do not send the tests through intermediaries or ask others to do the tests for you.

ii. When carrying out a 'double test' at a designated facility, take a photograph or ask someone to assist you in taking a photo of you holding your passport with the passport information page visible while getting tested at the site. Please ensure that the passport photo page, your face and the sampling process are clearly visible in the photograph. The photo should be uploaded to the Health Code International app along with the test report.

Photographs that are not clearly identifiable as having been tested in person will result in the return of the health code application being rejected.

iii. The Embassy has updated the list of designated testing facilities (please scan the QR code in Annex 6 for the latest list). Sampling and testing conducted by non-designated facilities will not be accepted.

3. Make a Truthful Declaration

i. For persons who have not had a confirmed infection, who have not been in close contact with an infected person and who are negative for nucleic acid testing and serum antibody testing (IgM, IgG).

Please upload the following documents to the PSI Health Code International applet (please scan the QR code in Annex 7) as follows.

i. Nucleic acid test and serum antibody test certificates issued by two different testing institutes (electronic version; the QR code on the certificate can be scanned for counter-checking). Please ensure that the basic information in the test certificates, such as name and passport number, is correct.

ii. One photograph of the person holding their passport with the information page visible while sampling and testing on site (must be clearly legible).

iii. One copy of the Commitment to Health Protection (must be signed/stamped by the person/person in charge of the company/school).

iv. For persons other than employees of Chinese-funded enterprises and international students, one copy of the Personal Information Statement must also be completed.

v. For those who have been vaccinated, they must also upload proof of vaccination and complete a Declaration of Vaccination against SARs CoV-2.

vi. The information page of the person's valid travel document.

vii. Airline tickets.

2. Close contacts

Close contacts are defined as persons who have had unprotected contact with a confirmed case or an asymptomatic infected person. In the case of close contacts: (i) After close contact has occurred, the person must remove themselves from contact with the confirmed case or an asymptomatic infected person and then be placed under self-isolation for at least 21 days before making arrangements to return to the country. (ii) Before returning to the country, apply for a health code according to procedures 1-7 listed above and fill in your contact history truthfully, or contact the embassy or consulate in advance to make a report.

3. Persons with a history of infection

A history of infection means: (i) a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19; (ii) a person who has not been diagnosed but has had a positive result for either nucleic acid test, IgM or IgG antibody test prior to vaccination. Please contact the embassy or consulate if you have a positive result for any of the above tests, regardless of whether you have completed the vaccination or not, to inquire about your subsequent travel requirements to China.

4. Vaccinated persons with positive serum antibody tests (IgM, IgG)

i. For those who have completed inactivated vaccination (Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine, Sinopharm BBIBP-CorV vaccine and Wuhan WIBP-CorV vaccine and have received the full number of doses required for vaccination), if the nucleic acid test result is negative and the serum antibody IgM or IgG test result is positive, in addition to items 1-7 above, they must also: (i) After 14 days of vaccination, complete 2 nucleic acid tests at least 24 hours apart and 1 diagnostic lung imaging (X-ray or CT). (ii) After all of the above tests are negative and the lungs are free of infection, a 14-day self-quarantine and health surveillance should be performed. (iii) If no abnormalities occur during the quarantine and health surveillance period, passengers in the Embassy's territory can send an email to the Embassy's special email address ( to arrange a “double test” time (iv) Once the time is confirmed, the applicant should apply for a health code with proof of the "double test" within 48 hours before boarding. Please submit all the above test reports together through the health code application app. The embassy will consider issuing the health code based on the isolation and health monitoring situation.

ii. Persons who have completed inactivated vaccination. In addition to the documents mentioned in items 1-7 above, you must complete one nucleic acid test and one serum antibody test for N protein at two designated institutions. Please contact the embassy or consulate for further information on your travel to China.

Note: Inactivated vaccines include Convidecia vaccine from Conxino Biologicals (China), Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer (USA), Vaxzevria vaccine from Astra Zeneca (UK) and Sputnik V vaccine (Russia). The institutions that can perform serum antibody testing for N protein are indicated in the list of designated testing institutions.

5. Submission time

To ensure that applicants are issued with a health code in a timely manner, all staff travelling to China should apply for a health code as soon as they have obtained the test report and have all the necessary documents.

If your application has been returned for additional documents, please submit additional documents within two hours.

Reminder: Applicants whose application documents are incomplete, unclear, not declared truthfully (e.g. documents not filled out truthfully and completely, concealment of infection history, falsification, etc.), submitted late or refusal to submit supplementary documents, or who submit documents that do not meet requirements more than 2 times in bad faith, will bear all responsibility for non-issuance of health code.

6. Untruthful Declarations Will Be Dealt With Severely In Line with the Law

According to China's epidemic prevention regulations, tampering with and falsifying test reports, or concealing one's exposure or infection history when filling in personal health information in the epidemic prevention health code international version app, are suspected of endangering public safety by dangerous methods and will be held legally responsible by the relevant Chinese authorities. Recently, the Embassy has identified seven such cases and has informed the relevant Chinese authorities. Please do not take any chances and make sure you are truthful in your testing and declaration.

Special reminder: The Embassy will refuse to issue or cancel the Health Code if the application is found to be untrue, untruthful or fraudulent. At the same time, in accordance with the cooperation mechanism between China and Malaysia, we will inform the person concerned, the testing agency, the company and the associated contact person/organisation to the relevant authorities of the Chinese and Malaysian governments respectively for investigation and will be held responsible if discovered.

Additionally, nine other embassies abroad, including the Embassy in Sri Lanka, the Embassy in South Sudan, the Embassy in Algeria, the Embassy in Botswana, the Embassy in Tanzania, the Embassy in Sudan, the Embassy in Nigeria, the Embassy in Côte d'Ivoire and the Embassy in Uganda, have also issued similar notices.

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