“五一”假期出行请注意口岸流量变化和证件签证有效期 |
发布时间:2024-04-28 | 浏览次数: |
据国家移民管理局预测,今年“五一”假期全国口岸日均出入境人员将达176万人次,较去年同期增长40.5%。上海浦东、广州白云、北京首都、成都天府、杭州萧山等大型国际机场口岸出入境客流稳步增长,预计日均出入境人员分别为8.8万、4.1万、4万、1.7万、1.3万人次。随着港澳居民与内地居民“北上南下”双向奔赴热潮持续,加之“五一”期间港澳地区将举办多场大型演艺活动和烟火表演,毗邻港澳陆路口岸通关流量将明显增多。其中,深圳罗湖、福田、深圳湾口岸预计将达到19.4万、19.1万、13万人次,珠海拱北、青茂、港珠澳大桥口岸日均出入境人员预计将达到32万、11万、11万人次。 According to the forecast of the State Immigration Administration, the average daily number of people entering and exiting the country's ports during this year's "International Workers' Day" holiday will reach 1.76 million, an increase of 40.5% over the same period last year. Shanghai Pudong, Guangzhou Baiyun, Beijing Capital, Chengdu Tianfu, Hangzhou Xiaoshan and other large international airport ports of entry and exit passenger flow has been growing steadily, the average daily number of people are expected to be 88,000, 41,000, 40,000, 17,000, 13,000 people respectively. With Hong Kong and Macao residents and mainland residents "north to south" two-way run to the boom continued, coupled with the "International Workers' Day" during the Hong Kong and Macao will be held in a number of large-scale performing arts activities and fireworks displays, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao land crossings clearance flow will increase significantly. Among them, Shenzhen Luohu, Futian, Shenzhen Bay Port is expected to reach 194,000, 191,000, 130,000, Zhuhai Gongbei, Qingmao, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port average daily immigration is expected to reach 320,000, 110,000, 110,000 people. 日前,国家移民管理局就做好“五一”假期口岸边防检查工作作出专门部署,要求全国边检机关加强出入境流量和口岸运行情况监测、及时发布本口岸出入境客流情况,为广大群众出行提供参考;加强勤务组织,配置充足警力,确保中国公民出入境通关排队不超过30分钟;密切与口岸联检单位和地方相关部门协同联动,对通关高峰期客流疏导和交通配套综合保障等作出稳妥具体的安排,共同确保口岸通关安全高效顺畅。 A few days ago, the State Immigration Administration to do a good job on the "International Workers' Day" holiday border control work at the port made a special deployment, requiring the national border control authorities to strengthen the entry and exit flow and monitoring of the operation of the port, the timely release of the port entry and exit passenger flow for the masses to travel to provide a reference; to strengthen the organization of the service, the configuration of adequate police force to ensure that Chinese citizens Entry and exit clearance queue no more than 30 minutes; closely with the port joint inspection units and local relevant departments to work together, the clearance of peak passenger flow and traffic supporting the comprehensive protection of a sound and specific arrangements to ensure that the port clearance security, efficient and smooth. 国家移民管理局提示广大中外出入境旅客,出行前及时关注口岸客流变化和通关情况,仔细检查出入境证件签证是否有效,中国公民出境时需提前了解前往地安全形势、入境政策,合理安排行程,强化风险防范意识,注意人身和财产安全。通关过程中如遇困难,可随时拨打国家移民管理局12367服务热线或向现场执勤的移民管理警察寻求帮助。 The State Administration of Immigration reminds the majority of Chinese and foreign travelers to pay attention to the changes in passenger flow and customs clearance before traveling, carefully check whether the entry and exit documents and visas are valid, Chinese citizens need to know in advance when leaving the country to the security situation, immigration policy, reasonable arrangements for travel, strengthen the awareness of risk prevention, pay attention to personal and property safety. In case of difficulties during customs clearance, they can call the 12367 service hotline of the State Administration of Immigration or seek help from the immigration police on duty at the scene. 本网站所转载的所有文章版权归原作者所有,内容仅供学习参考之用,不作商用,部分图片源于网络。若在转发过程中涉及到版权问题,请及时与我们联系,我们将尽快妥善处理。 All articles reproduced on this website are copyrighted by the original author, and the contents are for study and reference only, not for commercial use, and some of the pictures are originated from the Internet. If in the process of forwarding involved in copyright issues, please contact us in a timely manner, we will be dealt with appropriately as soon as possible. |
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