外国人来华如何办理移动支付 |
发布时间:2024-04-12 | 浏览次数: |
近年来,我国移动支付快速发展、普及,深度融入交通、餐饮、购物、医疗、教育等各个民生领域,在提高交易效率、降低交易成本和促进金融普惠方面发挥了重要作用,但也对银行卡、现金等传统支付方式形成替代,为很多外籍人员来华支付带来不便利,支付服务包容性有待提升。那么外国人应当怎样办理移动支付呢? In recent years, mobile payments in China have rapidly developed and popularized, deeply integrating into various fields of people's livelihood such as transportation, catering, shopping, healthcare, and education. They have played an important role in improving transaction efficiency, reducing transaction costs, and promoting financial inclusiveness. However, they have also replaced traditional payment methods such as bank cards and cash, bringing inconvenience to many foreign personnel coming to China for payment, and the inclusiveness of payment services needs to be improved. So how should foreigners handle mobile payments? 一、办理通信卡 Apply for communication card (一) 携带护照或外国人永久居留身份证,到中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、中国广电等电信企业的营业厅申请办理手机SIM卡,开通移动通信服务。 (1) Bring your passport or foreigner's permanent residence ID card to the business halls of telecommunications companies such as China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television to apply for a mobile SIM card and activate mobile communication services. (二) 移动通信服务套餐通常包括通话时间、数据流量等。不同的运营商会根据客户的需求推出不同的套餐,用户可根据需要选择合适的套餐。 (2) Mobile communication service packages typically include call time, data traffic, and more. Different operators will launch different packages according to customer needs, and users can choose the appropriate package according to their needs. 二、办理银行卡 Applying for a bank card (一) 携带护照或外国人永久居留身份证、国内手机号到商业银行的营业厅办理(不同商业银行具体要求会有所差异,详询营业厅客户经理)。 (1) Bring your passport, foreigner's permanent residence ID card, and domestic mobile phone number to the business hall of a commercial bank for processing (specific requirements may vary for different commercial banks, please consult the customer manager of the business hall for details). (二) 填写开户申请表办理银行卡。 (2) Fill out the account opening application form to apply for a bank card. (三) 收到银行卡后,及时到ATM 机上进行密码验证或修改。建议在办理银行卡时下载相应银行的网上银行 APP。 (3) After receiving the bank card, promptly go to the ATM machine for password verification or modification. It is recommended to download the corresponding bank's online banking app when applying for a bank card. (四) 妥善保护好自己的银行卡,以免遗失、被他人或不法分子盗用。如丢失,需及时向相应银行挂失。 (4) Properly protect your bank card to prevent loss, theft by others or criminals. If lost, it is necessary to report the loss to the corresponding bank in a timely manner. 三、开通移动支付 Activate mobile payment (一) 使用手机下载安装微信或支付宝APP,根据 APP 指引注册,输入国外或国内手机号等信息。 (1) Use your mobile phone to download and install WeChat or Alipay APP, register according to the APP guidelines, and enter information such as foreign or domestic mobile phone numbers. (二) 打开APP,绑定带有万事达(Mastercard)、维萨(Visa)、日本信用卡(JCB)、大来卡(Diners Club)、发现卡(Discover)等标识的国际银行卡;或带有银联(Union Pay)标识的国内银行卡。 (2) Open the app and bind international bank cards with logos such as Mastercard, Visa, JCB, Diners Club, and Discover; Or domestic bank cards with UnionPay logo. (三) 支付时打开APP,扫描商家收款二维码或向商家出示支付二维码。 (3) When making a payment, open the app and scan the merchant's payment QR code or present the payment QR code to the merchant. 绑定国际银行卡注意事项: Notes for binding international bank cards: ①使用支付宝(Alipay)、微信(Wechat)发起连接国际银行卡,需得到国外发卡行的授权同意,部分发卡行由于系统无法识别连接信息,会拒绝绑定的请求,建议联系发卡行客服或改用国内银行卡。 ①The use of Alipay and Wechat to initiate the connection of international bank cards requires the authorization and consent of foreign issuers. Some issuers will refuse the binding request because the system cannot recognize the connection information. It is recommended to contact the customer service of issuers or use domestic bank cards instead. ②使用支付宝、微信绑定国际银行卡扫码支付,单笔金额不超过 200 元人民币,用户无需支付额外手续费;单笔金额超过 200 元人民币,用户需要按照交易金额的 3% 支付服务手续费。 ②Use Alipay and WeChat to bind the international bank card to scan the code for payment. The single amount does not exceed 200 yuan, and users do not need to pay additional service charges; If the single transaction amount exceeds 200 RMB, users need to pay a service fee of 3% of the transaction amount. ③支付宝、微信对绑定国际银行卡的消费限额为每年不超过 5 万美元,单笔不超过 5000 美元。建议绑定国际银行卡的用户结合应用场景使用移动支付。 ③The consumption limit of Alipay and WeChat for binding international bank cards is no more than 50000 dollars per year, and no more than 5000 dollars per transaction. It is recommended that users bound to international bank cards use mobile payments in combination with application scenarios. 本网站所转载的所有文章版权归原作者所有,内容仅供学习参考之用,不作商用,部分图片源于网络。若在转发过程中涉及到版权问题,请及时与我们联系,我们将尽快妥善处理。 |
上一篇:中国-中亚机制秘书处在西安启动 下一篇:外国人来华应该办理哪类签证? |