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Shaanxi Service Platform for Foreigners | Notice for foreigners coming to China:

Release time:2021-12-16    |    Number of views:


The sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic disrupted the pace of work around the world. For foreigners who come to work in China, there is a time limit for the business that needs to be processed, and the relevant certification is gradually expired. What if the work visa is about to expire? Many governments have optimized the process of hiring foreign personnel by employers during the epidemic, handling special matters and urgent matters.

First: Further improve policy transparency and make work permit applications more convenient

1. Relax the age limit. In principle, the upper limit of the examination and approval age for foreign professionals (Category B) is not more than 60 years old. If it is indeed needed in some areas, it can be extended to 65 years old or nationality to retirement age. Employers provide the necessary documents for normal application of foreign work permits in China. In addition, it is necessary to provide the over-aged person’s health certificate, over-age employment responsibility commitment, and over-aged person’s social security or commercial insurance certification materials.

2. Expand the scope of domestic applications. Some provinces allow urgently needed foreign professionals (Category B) who hold other visas such as M, F, and L to directly apply for the "Foreigner Work Permit" in China.

Second: Some provinces have further expanded the scope of acceptance of special circumstances, making it more convenient and more humane

1. During the epidemic period, if the visa or residence permit of the foreign national has expired and has not left the country, he can apply for the relevant business of the foreigner's work permit to China within the automatic extension period specified by the entry and exit administration department.

2. For applicants whose Z visa (work visa) expired due to the temporary inability to enter the country due to the epidemic, they can enter the country with other visas after the epidemic is over, and apply for the "Foreigner Work Permit" after submitting relevant information.

Third: Consequences of no extension of visa

Fines, after the expiration of the visa in China, the penalties vary according to the expiration time. The specific penalty amount depends on the relevant part of the actual situation.

Deportation, if the time is short, will leave a bad record, if the expiration time is too long, you will be detained and then sent back to your country. There are two situations after the penalty. One is that the expiration time is short, and the fine can be paid and the extension formalities can be completed immediately; the second is that the expiration time is longer, and you need to penalize at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau and leave the country after the penalty.

Therefore, United Foreign Service advises foreign friends, please pay attention to the validity period of your work visa or business visa. Although currently affected by the epidemic, the government has issued many convenience policies, but when the extension is about to expire, please be ready to leave the country immediately. In order to avoid any inconvenience and loss, or even overstaying, facing other penalties and other bad records.


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