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Shaanxi Service Platform for Foreigners | Are there any classifications for fore

Release time:2021-09-26    |    Number of views:

Comprehensively using the points system, the catalogue of guidance for foreigners working in China, labor market testing and quota management, foreigners working in China will be divided into three categories: A, B, and C, and classified management will be implemented according to the standards.


1. Foreign high-end talents (Class A)

"High-end talents" such as scientists, scientific and technological leaders, international entrepreneurs, and specialized talents that are urgently needed in China's economic and social development, and who meet the national key and catalogue of foreign talents and one of the following conditions are determined to be Class A, Implement "green channel" and "acceptance of vacancies" services.

(1) Those selected for the domestic talent introduction plan

Selected candidates for the talent introduction plan (see the achievement standard description 1) recognized by the provincial-level or higher talent department approved by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.

(2) Meeting the internationally recognized standards for professional achievement recognition

(3) Foreign talents who meet the needs of market-oriented and encouraged positions

(4) Innovative and entrepreneurial talents

1. The founder of a company who has invested with independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technologies such as major technological inventions, patents, etc., has a stable investment situation for three consecutive years, the actual investment of the company is not less than 500,000 U.S. dollars, and the personal shares are not less than 30%.

2. The chairman, legal representative, and general manager of an enterprise with independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technology such as major technological inventions, patents, etc., and annual sales of more than RMB 10 million or annual tax payment of more than RMB 1 million for three consecutive years Manager or chief technical expert.

3. Personnel with senior management or technical positions hired by units that are included in the list of innovative enterprises or scientific and technological innovation professions formulated by relevant provincial departments.

(5) Outstanding young talents

Young talents under the age of 40 who are engaged in post-doctoral research in high-level universities abroad or in universities in China.

(6) Those whose points are more than 85 points

Those with 85 points or more

2. Foreign Professionals (Type B)

Foreign professionals who meet the catalogue and job requirements for foreigners to work in China and are urgently needed for the development of China's economic and social undertakings. Those who meet one of the following conditions are determined to be category B.

(1) Bachelor degree or above and 2 years or above work experience

Foreign professionals with a bachelor's degree or above and 2 years or above related work experience. Meet one of the following provisions:

1. Managers or professional technicians who are engaged in scientific research, teaching, management and other work in special fields such as education, scientific research, news, publishing, culture, art, health, and sports.

2. Persons who implement Chinese-foreign government agreements, international organization agreements, Chinese-foreign economic and trade, and engineering technology contracts shall relax the age requirements for personnel dispatched by internationally renowned academic institutions and international scientific and educational organizations in accordance with the terms of the intergovernmental exchange and cooperation agreement.

3. Personnel hired by representative offices of international organizations in China and representatives of overseas expert organizations in China.

4. Middle-level and above employees dispatched by multinational companies, chief representatives and representatives of permanent representative offices of foreign companies in China.

5. Foreign managers or professional technical personnel employed by various enterprises, institutions, social organizations, etc.

(2) Hold the international general vocational skills qualification certificate or urgently need skilled talents.

Hold the international general vocational skills qualification certificate or urgently need skilled talents.

(3) Foreign language teaching staff

(4) Foreign talents with 4 times the average salary income.

Foreign talents whose average salary income is not less than 4 times the average salary income of the society in the previous year in the region.

(5) Specialized personnel and personnel who implement projects in compliance with national regulations.

(6) The points are more than 60 points.

Professionals with points over 60 points.


3. Other foreign personnel (category C)

Other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and comply with national policies and regulations are determined to be Category C, mainly including:

1. Foreign personnel who meet the current regulations on the management of foreigners working in China;

2. Foreign personnel engaged in temporary, short-term (not more than 90 days) work

3. Personnel who implement quota system management


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