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Shaanxi Service Platform for Foreigners | Why has China become so powerful from

Release time:2021-08-12    |    Number of views:

Why is China becoming so powerful now? What do foreigners say

This is an excerpt from a q&A website, proofread and translated by the author. A foreigner's perspective on how China became strong. Below is a first-person selection of answers to the q&A website's topic, "Why is China so strong now?"

The first highly praised answer

Sam Arora (a typical foreigner who loves Chinese culture and has lived in the West for over 40 years)

I want to emphasize that the word "now" is not a quick fix. "Now" is not the right word. China has been and will continue to work hard to improve and show the world, and it is no accident that the Great Wall of China and other UNESCO Protected World Heritage sites rank second in the world.

China is constantly transforming:

China has made great progress since 1949; Of course there are problems in the middle, and some of the problems do slow things down. Otherwise, China is forging ahead. By the way, as a man on the street, I believe there is no turning back.

BTW: The Silk Road, the vast Chinese city walls, the Terracotta Warriors, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Tian 'anmen Square were not created yesterday or "now", China has always been strong, except during tough times.

Why has China become so powerful from a foreign perspective

The inventions of papermaking, the printing press, gunpowder, the compass and acupuncture, to name a few, were not an overnight fusion of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Nor were they invented overnight.

Please note: while most of the world/civilizations live in caves, the Chinese are studying astronomy and are ready to explore the compass.

But they were very peaceful, with the invention of gunpowder and the compass, they brought happiness to the world through "fireworks", and explored the world with the compass for friendship. Opening the door to a completely different unknown religion "Buddha" For thousands of years, Buddha has really influenced the cultural life of the Chinese people. To go to the Shanghai Museum and see the reverence for God among the thousands of ancient relics, it's amazing. This is not happening "now" for thousands of years, the Chinese had an extremely solid foundation.

Why has China become so powerful from a foreign perspective

All financial/economic indicators point to healthy growth.

Well-read people around the world sounded the alarm, some in very harsh voices, trying to alert the rest of the world to what was about to happen and its long-term implications.

I am not an economist, but I look at their GDP chart and conclude, as a layman, that it has been going up since 1962, imports and trade surplus all the indicators used by financial experts and economists all look very promising for someone at my level.

Seeing is believing:

China has recently opened to the outside world, and under this liberal policy, more and more people have had the opportunity to witness China's tremendous growth and progress. China has made a great leap forward and is now sinking.

So it's fair to say, yes, we're seeing this huge increase "right now," but they've been working on it for a long time.

Why has China become so powerful from a foreign perspective

I have lived in the Western world for almost 50 years and I never thought I would see China as it is today because of course most people have some different picture in their mind.

I don't have a negative image due to my long association with the Chinese, and from an early age I was in awe of the history/longevity/grandeur/history/architecture/their reverence for the Buddha of Chinese culture.

I know most of them are not religious because they have found their true God through hard work. Even I was amazed at how well I was treated. The check in from Toronto airport to Beijing started with customs clearance in Beijing and walked out and out of the airport hall. I'm just numb, oh my god, this is China, wow. Well done my friend, the rest is my history, several trips are not enough to know the length/width/height of this country.

It's not over for them:

They have a lot of problems to deal with, such as there is still a lot of poverty, pollution and many other problems in some areas. I'm pretty sure over time they will solve their big problems.

It's hard to get to the top, but extremely difficult to stay there forever:

Why has China become so powerful from a foreign perspective

China/Chinese people must be very careful and vigilant, this is a very critical stage, don't lose focus and waste less time on unproductive actions and ridiculous things. The rest of the world is watching and betting on it. Please don't let the die-hard Chinese fans,

Sure, it's a very safe country with a very low violent crime rate and world-class infrastructure, but sometimes it's not easy to keep moving in the right direction. I sincerely hope they stay focused and continue the excellent work they are doing.

China's success is the success of mankind:

In my opinion, China's success is the success of mankind; I believe the world will benefit from this great success story. Other parts of the world may have some examples of this highly successful implementation in their own countries; I believe the world will become a better place.

I'll give you a metaphor when we see amazing masterpieces, whether it's art/literature/film/architecture /... For anything, how much effort goes into years of hard work to reach a level only those who have done it know. An amazing movie scene may last 2 minutes, but it can take months to complete.

Anyway, I would say yes, we're seeing great success now, but they've been working on this for decades. God bless them and good luck to them.

Side note:

If you are in awe of China and Chinese people like I am, please read their history, digging up thousands of years of history today proves that China has a fixed connection with the world, the Silk Road is a good example of this goodwill and trade route. Developing this innovative, peace-loving and mutually beneficial spirit is in their DNA. (Ask yourself: For thousands of years, completely different Forms of Buddhism still have veneration. Just visiting the Lingshan Giant Buddha made my jaw drop. Some of the veneration I saw there embarrassed me because the believers knew more about reincarnation and karma than I did.

Even if you had hatred for China/Chinese people before spraying poison, please try to read something about them and the country, just maybe, just maybe, your hatred will turn into a very compassionate feeling and you will be released with permanent venom.

I believe they will stay here for another 6,000 years

They are not closed yet, their new Silk Road is brilliant, not camels, but bullet trains, jumbo jets and incredible big ships. This time the cargo will not be just silk/pearls, but different commodities from A to Z to run global modern life, payment will be in cash/gold/COD...... Rather than any other commodity, again. They will not give up Hong Kong in the current negotiations and I am quite sure they have sent millions of shining stars to the West to receive the same education in order to negotiate better or at least at the same level.

Now their new generation is so business savvy that they also wear a three-piece suit/tie and the Manchurian ponytail is gone.

Why has China become so powerful from a foreign perspective

Also: please take away from ordinary people like me, one bowl of rice, add water to make soup, breakfast/lunch/dinner race is here to stay, better make friends with them and learn from them. They won't go out of business any time soon; They survived the Mongols and manchurian regimes, the Chinese put it on their chin, the current injustice, the Chinese survived dynasty after dynasty, but they are still here. They had an entire civilization of 6,000 years; I believe they will be here for a long time.

It's worth thinking about: many civilizations come and go, rise and fall, and Chinese culture is the only one that went down the curve and then came back up. The question is worth pondering: I have many ideas about why/how, but that is not/not the original question.

All the above photos were taken by myself

The second praised: Nikil Bhaskaran

China became so powerful because:

1) Efficient government (Chinese will disagree until they encounter flaws in other management models)

The government has clearly studied all other models, brought the best to China and implemented it in a way that suits their culture (this is where other developing countries fail, they change their culture to fit the Western model, like with limited resources)

Such as:

1) Industrial clusters: make their manufacturing very efficient. This is copied from Russia/Japan.

2) Even advanced training in all departments is provided in the local language. As a result, they can make full use of the power of population, unlike India, where the high skill is English, while making a lot of labor useless.

3) They copy products and focus on using these clusters to make them cheaper. This saves huge r&d and marketing costs, all of which are borne by the originators. For example, all huawei products are BT/Erricison clones and now Huawei is bigger than them.

(Although this has drawn their biggest criticism)

4) Chinese are frugal by nature and prefer to do what they know rather than learn new things:

Their model aims to turn these characteristics into advantages from top to bottom, with everyone in the supply chain just trying to save costs to stay competitive. In fact, nine out of 10 clones of a good product will try to make the exact same thing, but cheaper. The factory that finally entered the game made it so cheap that the quality was also very low.

On the political side: they are smart enough to keep making deals with other countries to expand into new markets for themselves and find cheaper ways to deliver them there.

Now that it has grown so much on other products, and that almost all the people who ruled the category have been replaced, they face the next level of challenge. Nothing to copy, and the West got smarter and realized that If you keep your profits high, China won't let you survive, so now they think let's innovate and cut costs

(Arduino and Raspberry Pi, for example) dominate the category because innovators don't overprice their products. Huawei has motherboards, but this one has more features and a lower price? There are no more features, but the price is higher. Easy sales are no longer possible.

The challenge now for China is how to innovate at low cost. To be sure, the Chinese have a lot of smart people in the country, and the government is now turning its attention to these innovators and trying to move up the value chain.

A stable government helps them to continue such a long term policy without interruption, because there is political instability elsewhere, China may continue to win because they have long term strategic planning and stable government that can continuously implement linearly or discuss the burden of model before implementation openly.

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